Conservative Wisdom Tooth Removal: 4 Things You Need To Know About Having A Coronectomy

29 September 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Have you been told recently that you need to have a coronectomy? While less common than traditional wisdom tooth removal, the coronectomy procedure is a more conservative procedure for removing problematic wisdom teeth. Here are four things you need to know about having a coronectomy.

1. A Coronectomy Treats Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, it does not erupt fully like a normal tooth. This problem occurs because the wisdom tooth is being blocked by one or more surrounding teeth. A coronectomy is used to treat such cases of impacted teeth before they cause problems.

If not removed, impacted teeth increase your odds of suffering from infections and cysts. Additionally, if you have an impacted wisdom tooth, the surrounding teeth are at risk of being damaged as well.

2. A Coronectomy Protects You From Nerve Damage

Unlike traditional wisdom tooth removal, a coronectomy doesn't involve removing the entire tooth. Instead, only the crown (the area located directly beneath the enamel of the tooth) is removed.

The main benefit of removing the crown—and only the crown—is that the procedure leaves your roots intact, which protects you from nerve damage.

Symptoms of nerve damage include:

  • Permanent numbness
  • Recurring tingling sensations
  • Changes in taste
  • Chronic pain

See your dentist right away if you experience the above dental symptoms.

3. A Coronectomy Impacts Your Cardiovascular Health

Your dental health isn't the only thing protected by having a coronectomy. When you have a coronectomy performed, you also reduce your odds of suffering from cardiovascular problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, blood clots, and stroke.

You're probably wondering how a simple wisdom tooth removal procedure has such a large impact on your cardiovascular health. Interestingly, research has shown that severe gum infections—including those due to impacted wisdom teeth—spread inflammation throughout the body. Additionally, the toxins from these infections are capable of forming fatty plaques in the arteries. The result is an increased risk of developing cardiovascular issues.

4. A Coronectomy Reduces Your Odds Of Suffering From Cognitive Decline

In addition to affecting your cardiovascular health, a coronectomy reduces your odds of suffering from cognitive decline. Once again, this is due to the reduced risk of gum infection. A study found that Alzheimer's patients experienced an increased rate of cognitive decline when they had gum infections in the past. This alarming finding is another reason it's important to have a coronectomy performed.

A coronectomy is a safe procedure that neutralizes several risks caused by impacted wisdom teeth. Don't hesitate to speak with a dentist, like one from J R Gassman DDS, to learn more about how the simple procedure will safeguard your health now and in the future.