3 Options For Full Mouth Reconstruction

13 April 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Articles


There are more than 35 million people in the United States who are missing all of their teeth, whether from decay, wear, or injury. As many as 90% of these people choose to wear dentures, but dentures are only one of the ways that you can replace your teeth. Here are three options that you can choose from for full mouth reconstruction.


Dentures are the most common option for full mouth reconstruction, so you probably already know that they are removable plates that fit over top of your gum tissue and are held in place with denture adhesives. These plates simulate both the look and feel of your natural teeth, and are made of strong materials like porcelain or acrylic. They are fully removable which makes them easy to clean, but the downside of being able to remove them is that it's easy to drop and damage them.

If you decide to get dentures, your dentist will start by taking molds of your mouth. These molds will then be sent to a laboratory that will build dentures to fit your mouth. Once your new dentures are ready, your dentist will sit them on your gums and adjust the fit. This is to make sure that you can bite, chew, and talk normally with your new dentures. The whole process is painless, but getting used to your new dentures can be challenging. 

Dental implants

Dental implants are more invasive than dentures, but they also look and feel more like natural teeth. Dental implants are false teeth that are surgically attached to your jawbone with metal posts. Each tooth is attached with its own post, which makes them very strong. Dental implants can last for your entire life, unlike dentures which need to be replaced more frequently.

Dental implants are placed during multiple appointments. During your first appointment, your dentist will cut into your gum tissue and embed the base of the implant in your jawbone. Next, your dentist will attach the metal post to the base. Once the jawbone has healed tightly around the base of the implant, your new false teeth will be screwed onto the posts. Attaching the teeth can take several appointments since your dentist needs to make sure that they are placed perfectly. 


Your final option for full mouth restoration is a new technology called All-on-fours. All-on-fours are made of a solid plate, like dentures are, but they're also attached to your jawbone with metal posts, like dental implants are. As the name suggests, only 4 posts are needed to attach each plate, so it only takes 8 metal posts to replace a full set of teeth. 

Getting All-on-fours is very similar to getting regular dental implants. Your dentist will cut into your gums to surgically attach an implant base to your jawbone, and then a metal post will be attached to the base. This will only be done 4 times on each jaw, and then you'll be allowed to heal. Once your jawbone has healed tightly around the implant bases, your dentist will take a mold of your mouth, and have a laboratory make your prosthesis. The prosthesis will then be attached to the posts, and your dentist will make any necessary adjustments to the fit. 

If you're missing all of your teeth, you have multiple options for replacing them. You can do what most people in your situation do, and get dentures, or you can choose dental implants or All-on-fours. If you want to replace your teeth, go to sites and make an appointment with your dentist right away to discuss your options and get the process started.