Common Causes Of Tooth Sensitivity

3 October 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Tooth sensitivity can be a disruptive problem to have as it can limit your ability to enjoy the foods and beverages that you want while also creating discomfort during periods of cold weather. Individuals will often assume that developing increased tooth sensitivity is something that is a natural part of aging, but there are a few causes of this problem that can and should be treated.

Gum Disease

It may seem unusual that gum disease could impact the sensitivity fo your teeth, but gum disease will cause the gums to recede. When this occurs, the nerve of the tooth can become exposed, which will make it far more sensitive. If this condition is not treated, the gum disease can continue to progress, which will make the sensitivity worse and contribute to structural damage and decay.


Decay is another common cause of tooth sensitivity. When individuals are experiencing sensitivity as a result of decay, they may notice a sharp and highly localized pain when they consume cold beverages or foods. The decay creates a weak spot in the exterior of the tooth, and this can allow the cold temperatures to reach the nerve of the tooth, which will trigger this pain. A standard filling is usually sufficient for addressing this cause of sensitivity.

Weakened Enamel

The enamel on the exterior of your teeth is one of the most durable materials in the body. However, it will be exposed to hard and acidic foods. These foods can weaken and thin the enamel, which will reduce its ability to insulate the interior of the tooth. For individuals that have suffered extensive enamel erosion, dental bonding can help to reinforce the tooth enough to minimize the sensitivity. Minimizing your consumption of highly acidic foods and making sure to thoroughly rinse after consuming these substances can help to reduce the risk of the enamel becoming compromised.


Dental patients will often assume that cracks in their teeth will always be a source of acute pain. However, many minor cracks may not be deep enough to immediately cause acute pain. Yet, these cracks may be enough to allow cold or hot temperature extremes to affect the nerve of the tooth. Failing to repair a dental crack can contribute to severe complications. In addition to the discomfort from the sensitivity, this problem can also lead to infection as the crack can allow a space for bacteria and decay to develop. If you have suddenly developed an intense sensitivity in one of your teeth, this could indicate that a small crack or chip has formed.

Talk to your dentist to learn more.