Having Your Cavity Filled

26 April 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Dental fillings are a standard dental treatment used to restore the integrity of damaged or decayed teeth. They are necessary to prevent further damage and maintain overall oral health. When a tooth has a cavity or chip, fillings help protect it from bacteria and additional damage by sealing the affected area. While this is a necessary dental treatment, many people might be unaware of what to expect.

Pre-Procedure Preparation

Before undergoing a dental filling procedure, discussing your treatment plan with your dentist is essential. This may involve reviewing your dental history and discussing any concerns or preferences you have regarding materials or the procedure itself.

There might be some steps you need to take in advance. You will get specific preparation instructions from your dentist, which should be followed as closely as possible.

Pain Management With Numbing And Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is often used during filling procedures to numb the specific area being treated while leaving patients awake. Some dentists offer patients a sedation option to reduce anxiety during dental visits. These range from mild sedation to moderate sedation.

The dentist will typically apply the numbing gel before administering local anesthetic injections for optimal comfort. Patients should expect slight pressure as the injection is administered but minimal pain due to numbing.

The Filling Procedure Itself

Getting a dental filling is quick, and most patients will find this process takes less than an hour. This process will start with your dentist using a drill or laser to remove decay and create a clean, smooth surface for the filling material. Once the tooth is prepared, the filling is applied and molded into the correct shape.

Several materials can be used for dental fillings. This can give the dentist a range of choices for what will look the best for the patient's teeth. For example, composite fillings are a popular option for cosmetically important teeth because they can blend into the teeth. In contrast, silver fillings may be used for teeth that are not cosmetically important.

Caring For Your Tooth After The Filling

Aftercare following a dental filling procedure is essential for promoting healing and overall oral health. While the filling is not going to decay, it can fail if the surrounding portions of the tooth become decayed. Be aware of potential side effects such as sensitivity to hot or cold substances or discomfort when biting down. Fortunately, these should subside within a few days of the procedure.

For more information, contact a dentist's office.